Teaching, learning, and technology are fundamental parts of society – in and out of the classroom. Teaching involves one’s own learning of content, researching pedagogical practices, and applying and integrating that knowledge with technology to foster an environment of learning. Learning is something that is never finished or completed, there’s always room for more growth.
Hi there! My name is Raeanna Hobson-Balderrama, and my love for reading and literature has taken me down the pedagogical path and put me in the position of an instructor, teaching professional and technical communication,
while studying English Literature as a graduate student at NSMU.

My Experience
August 2022-Present
Graduate Assistant
I am currently in my second year of teaching as a graduate assistant. This year, I'm instructing one course of English 2210, Professional and Technical Communication.
Additionally, I tutor students asynchronously with the Writing Center for 3 per a week.
August 2021-May 2021
Graduate Assistant
My first year as a graduate assistant included teaching a course of English 1110 at NMSU, which is Composition 1.
With my contract, I also worked as a tutor for the Writing Center for 3 hours a week.
January 2021-Present
New Mexico State University Graduate School
I am currently obtaining a master's degree in English Literature, which consists of studying literary and cultural theory, Chinca/o Literature, and substance abuse as a result of trauma in the American Memoir.
August 2016 - December 2020
New Mexico State University
At NMSU, I received my undergraduate degree in English: Literature, Language, and Culture. There, I studied American and British Literature, Chicana/o Literature, and theoretical studies in culture.
"Do not go where the path may lead. Instead, go where there is no path and leave a trail"